Cutlist Plus Alternative

CutList Plus Express is self described as, “perfect for smaller projects”, and, “designed to meet the needs of home users”. When I hear descriptions like that I automatically get a bad feeling. Some of you might have had the unlucky experience of getting a ‘home owners’ tool kit, with hammers that bend and screw drivers with handles that fall off.

  • We're not saying Workshop Buddy matches all of the capabilities of Cutlist Plus, and it's not perfect (yet!) but for those who can't afford the subscription it's an alternative worth considering. If you do use Workshop Buddy, and you think there is a cut list we could optimize better - please do let us know.
  • To investigate that lemon juice could be an alternative to potassium citrate in the treatment of urinary calcium stones in patients with hypocitraturia, 30 patients with hypocitraturic urinary calcium stones were enrolled into study. The patients were divided into three groups equally.
  • FREE CUTLIST PROGRAM When I was reviewing the project to build the desks for HAART, I wanted to make sure we had enough wood and we also optimized our cutting to minimize the waste wood. I found a free Cutlist program that I saw recommended on a few woodworking forums and decided to.
  • Download the CutList Plus Free Trial. Start Saving Today. The free trial allows you to test-drive all the program's features, with a limited number of parts.

Just because the end user does not support themselves in the woodworking trade doesn’t mean they deserve tools that won’t get the job done. So, I will admit when I was asked to review this software, I started with a slight bias.

An instructional video created for the software program CutList Plus.

Cutlist plus alternative websites

My shop was building a medium sized kitchen for a Brooklyn apartment renovation when I was given this software to try. I’ve always done cut lists by hand. Draw out the rectangle, make your 4’ and 8’ marks, fill the rectangle while mentally calculating the space. After years and thick stacks of cut lists in job folders around the shop you get a familiarity to it.

Cutlist Optimizer Free

But the jobs are always different and so naturally the layout is always different and that makes cut lists always a challenge. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for average homeowner who makes a cut list every 2 years or so. That’s where CutList Plus Express says they come in to save the day. But do they?

Short answer, yes. Yes in a big way.

You figure out the pieces you need, add their dimensions, and the type of material and that’s it. You have an easily readable, professional looking, and the most important part completely accurate cut and material list. I used it for this kitchen and it probably saved me a good half hour of work. For a shop wasted time is wasted money, for a homeowner wasted time is missing football on Sunday, both are pretty painful.

I like to have a hard copy of my plans so I printed them. The software gives you a few options of the information you want included in your pint out which is nice. The pages, like I said above, are everything you could ask for.

CutList Plus Express also offers an included app so you can take your list on the go without needing to print. Easy to export and load on the phone, I can see this being a real value when you go to the lumber yard. No papers to lose or handwriting to miss read. It’s all right there, clear as day.

I don’t want to sell the extra features short, there are many more impressive and helpful technical aspects to the software that the more advanced homeowner may want to explore (and I’d be happy to talk with you about them in the comment section if anyone wants). But if we are thinking about this as a shopping list then the basics will do. And the basics work well.

For the price of $39 (including the app), maybe if you do 1 small project a year then you should still struggle through with the old paper way. But if you are doing something larger or have multiple projects in your future I would suggest adding CutList Plus Express to your tool box

Have something to say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Hey! I've finally built a replacement for this tool that I think is up to par. It includes some of your requests and should work well on mobile devices. Try out Cutlist Workbench and let me know what you think.

This calculator attempts to generate the most efficient cut list for a given set of pieces. Note my use of the word 'attempts.' There are several ways to solve this problem and several 'correct' answers. This tries one way and gives you a correct answer. It's based on linear board-feet and so works only in the one dimension. I may expand it to handle plywood at some point in the future but don't count on it.

Fractional Inch Reference

Cutlist Plus Alternative Program

Step 1: Available stock - Select the available lengths:

Add a custom stock: inches (decimal numbers only)
(optional) will store the stock lengths to a cookie so your browser will remember them in the future. Saved stock will automatically be loaded when you visit this site. This is experimental.

Step 2: Method - Select which method you prefer:

Step 3: Cut Width - Enter how much of the board is lost to each cut (width of the blade):

Step 4: Piece List - Enter a list of board lengths you need to obtain:

Component List

Step 5: Output options:

Output to new window — good for printing but you might have to twiddle your print settings to make it look good

Cutlist Plus For Mac


Step 6: Ready, steady,

Cutlist Plus Alternative

Step 7: Once you're happy with your results, you might want to save or print them off. Set the 'Output to new window' option above and the results will go into a popup window.