- Pli Mobile And Email Update Form 2017
- Pli Mobile And Email Update Form Pdf
- Pli Mobile And Email Update Form 2553
- Pli Mobile And Email Update Form Pdf
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1. What is the link for PLI/RPLI premium payment?
- The link to pay premium online for PLI/RPLI policies:
2. What are the pre-requisites to pay PLI/ RPLI policy premium online?
- Valid Email Address
- Valid unique mobile number
- Register for PLI/RPLI online services.
3. What are the pre-requisites to Purchase PLI and RPLI policy?
Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI):The scheme shall cover all persons, male or female, who permanently reside in rural areas and are ordinarily residents in India to the exclusion of foreigners and non-resident Indians provided they have attained majority.
Postal Life Insurance (PLI):Employees of the following Organizations are eligible: Central Government, Defence Services, Para Military forces, State Government, Local Bodies, Government-aided Educational Institutions, Reserve Bank of India, Public Sector Undertakings, Financial Institutions, Nationalized Banks, Autonomous Bodies, Extra Departmental Agents in Department of Posts, Employees Engaged/ Appointed on Contract basis by central/ State Government where the contract is extendable, Employees of all scheduled Commercial Banks, Employees of Credit Co-operative Societies and other Co-operative Societies registered with Government under the Co-operative Societies Act and partly or fully funded from the Central/ State Government/RBI/ SBI/ Nationalized Banks/ NABARD and other such institutions notified by Government, Employees of deemed Universities an educational institutes accredited by recognized bodies such a National Assessment and Accreditation council, All India Council of Technical Education, Medical council of India etc., Employees (teaching/non-teaching staff) of all private educational institutions/schools/colleges etc. affiliated to recognized Boards (recognized by Centre/State Government) of Secondary/Senior Secondary education i.e. CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, Open School, etc., Professionals such as Doctors (including Doctors pursuing Post Graduate degree courses through any Govt/Private Hospitals, Residents Doctors employed on contract/permanent basis in any Govt/Private Hospitals etc), Engineers (including Engineers pursuing Master’s/Post Graduate degree after having passed GATE entrance test), Management Consultants, Charted Accountants registered with Institute of Charted Accountants of India, Architects, Lawyers registered with Bar Council of India/States, Bankers working in Nationalised Banks and its Associate Banks, Foreign Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Scheduled Commercial Banks including Private Sector Banks etc., Employees of listed companies of NSE (National Stock Exchange) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in IT, Banking & Finance, Healthcare/Pharma, Energy/Power, Telecom, Infrastructure Sector etc, where employees are covered for Provident Fund/Gratuity and/or their leave records are maintained by the establishment.
4. How to register for PLI/ RPLI online services?
- Register Mobile number & email id: Visit your nearest post office with request in writing for registering mobile number and email address, if not done while taking policy.
- Generating Customer ID: Only on updation of mobile number and email address, customer will be able to register on the portal on clicking below link:
- On Clicking on ‘Generate Customer ID’ button on above page, customer will be taken to the portal page, where customer has to fill some mandatory information such as Policy Number, Sum Assured, Insured First Name, email id etc. After all the mandatory information is filled up, customer will click on submit button, then customer ID will be sent to the registered email id of the customer with link for resetting the password.
- Ensure that registered Mobile & Email ID is entered while creating customer ID.
- Permissible limit for wrong login is 3 attempts.
- Purchase policy/ Premium quote generation- Can be done without registration
- Premium payment
- Repayment of loan
- Generation of quote ( Loan/ surrender)
- Initiation of service request
- Change premium payemnt frequency
- Change premium payment method
- Revival
- Loan
- Policy surrender
- Maturity claim Intimation
- Survival claim intimation
- Click on the link:https://pli.indiapost.gov.in/CustomerPortal/loadQuotePage.action External Link:This will open in new window.
- Fill the required information.
- Download the form after filling in all requisite info. Visit nearest Post Office with downloaded form and all required documents or get assistance of the agent by clicking on the following link: https://pli.indiapost.gov.in/CustomerPortal/locateanagent.action External Link:This will open in new window.
Pli Mobile And Email Update Form 2017
Pli Mobile And Email Update Form Pdf
B. Generating Customer ID: In order to allow Customers to view and carry out transactions relating to their Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance policies on real time basis, generation of Customer ID is a pre-requisite on the ‘Customer Portal’ through the link https://pli.indiapost.gov.in/CustomerPortal/PSLogin.action External Link:This will open in new window.. However, before, generating the Customer ID on the Portal, Customer will have to ensure that his/her Mobile number and email address are updated in the system against the respective policy. Only on updation of mobile number and email address, customer will be able to register on the portal by clicking on ‘Generate Customer ID’ button at the bottom left on the customer portal page. On Clicking on ‘Generate Customer ID’ button, customer will be taken to the portal page, where customer has to fill some mandatory information such as Policy Number, Sum Assured, Insured First Name, email id etc. After all the mandatory information is filled up, customer will click on submit button, then customer ID will be sent to the registered email id of the customer with link for resetting the password.
You will have to fill the form as per the information in your policy document and submit.

Pli Mobile And Email Update Form 2553
Pli Mobile And Email Update Form Pdf