Sheldon Pollock Rajiv Malhotra

To sequence of events in the battle for indology :

Rajiv Malhotra presents book “The Battle for Sanskrit” in World sanskrit conference promising to Expose “Sheldon Pollock” & other American indologists who portray Sanskrit as dead/oppressive/political.

Again Scroll publishes Nicholson’s article where he worships Sheldon Pollock & he too accuses Rajiv. To this charge, Rajiv yet again gives a Powerful rejoinder to the allegations in Niticentral & swarajyamag Various Indian intellectuals felt the need to support Rajiv Malhotra & thus came forward in his support. Rajiv Malhotra, well known for. To give its imprimatur to Columbia University for a project to be headed by one Professor Sheldon Pollock. By doing his due diligence, Malhotra shows that.

Immediately Richard Fox Young an evangelist working in christian seminary & close friend of John dayal & Pollock levels False allegations of plagiarism against Rajiv & FirstPost publishes it !! link to first post article

Jesse Knutson files a petition & pressurizes book’s publishers to withdraw book.

Rajiv Malhotra responds by tweets & outrightly rejects the false allegations.

His tweets were taken out of context & portrayed as if Rajiv gives excuse of Sanskrit for not quoting Nicholson .

He infact over-quotes/ over-credits Nicholson more than 30 times in the book. Had Rajiv wanted to plagiarize he wouldn’t have quoted Nicholson at all !! I hope you are intelligent & will analyze it for yourself without any bias .

Immediately Scroll, business standard , FirstPost etc jump in & all leftists (mihir simon sharma ,etc) start writing false & defamatory articles based on baseless hearsay. (Michael Danino’s article in business Standard calls Mihir Simon sharma as a ‘Nativist Bigot’ & ridicules his gross ignorance.)

Rajiv Malhotra Twitter

Independent Traditional scholars who are experts in academic field give point by point rebuttal of the false allegation.

Book publisher promises to correct their mistakes(errata) in next edition.

Madhu Kishwar’s petition in requesting pubishers not to withdraw book.

Rajiv Malhotra writes a detailed rebuttal in Newslaundry, Swarajyamag & Niticentral.

Thousands of people supported her petition whereas only 165 supported Richard fox.

This angers Richard & brings in Nicholson.


Again Scroll publishes Nicholson’s article where he worships Sheldon Pollock & he too accuses Rajiv.

To this charge , Rajiv yet again gives a Powerful rejoinder to the allegations in Niticentral & swarajyamag

Various Indian intellectuals felt the need to support Rajiv Malhotra & thus came forward in his support. Few among them were Dr.Subramaniam Swamy , Prof S.Gurumurthy, Madhu Kishwar, Prof R.Vaidyanathan , @Mediacrooks , etc.

Whereas several Indian pea-brained Sepoys like Sadanand dhume, Rupa subrahamanya , etc were competing among each other to prove their ‘Services’ to the West.

Their tweets provided some comic relief in this otherwise heated battle.

R Jagannathan’s article supporting Rajiv Malhotra.

Atanu Dey’s (a famous economist) article on indiaFacts supporting Rajiv Malhotra.

Rajiv malhotra books

Vishal Agarwal’s Facebook post blaming Andrew J Nicholson for plagiarising from several Indian authors ( Prof S Dasgupta ).

Rajeev srinavasan’s article calling plagiarism charge against Rajeev malhotra as a red herring & also as Wendy’s revenge.

Professor Narayanan komerath’s article dissecting & surgically exposing the deep racial bias within American Academia.

Ratan ssharda’s article on supporting Rajiv Malhotra & urging all Indians to unite against Nexus undermining Indian integrity.

Karthik mohan’s article on supporting Rajiv Malhotra.

Rajiv Malhotra has tweeted that he has finished the 1st draft of Indra’s Net Chapter 8 in which he removes citations to Nicholson & directly credits Indian authors from whom Nicholson has plagiarized.

Rajiv Malhotra’s article in swarajyamag giving page by page evidence/ analysis of facts against each & every point of citation/Reference/quote .

Rajiv gets Overwhelming support from patriotic indians. Madhu kishtwar’s petition in supporting Rajiv crosses more than 10,000. Whereas the opponent’s petition is little more than 200.

Sankrant sanu’s too has supported Rajiv Malhotra & has written an article in Niticentral on Hindus, Free speech & debate on intellectual property.


Sheldon Pollock Rajiv Malhotra Biography

Motilal Banarasidas indological publishers have published an article on speakingtree authored by Dr. Bal ram singh PhD supporting rajiv Malhotra in his fight against American indologists.

Rajiv malhotra’s compelling article in Firstpost describing his ‘satyagraha’ & the need for “Intellectual dharma yuddha” to become everyone’s ‘Yajna’.

“Thom Loree” copy-editor of Indra’s Net releases a press statement rejecting all baseless & motivated allegations.

Its no surprise to see Leftists , Evangelists & American orientalists ganging up against Rajiv Malhotra like a pack of wolves, trying to tarnish his reputation / credibility only to stop his next book on Sheldon Pollock from being published .

These are testing times when the strength & Unity of Hindus is examined. Be bold, be strong & be united.

Rajiv Malhotra Md
